Past President, Asian Sleep Research Society

Sleep research and sleep medicine in Asia got a significant boost with the formation of the Asian Sleep Research Society (ASRS). Till about the early 1990’s, the scientists and practitioners of sleep medicine of most Asian countries, even neighbouring countries, had never met together and co-operated in sleep research and sleep medicine. That happened not only for political reasons, but also because there was no forum for them to meet and interact. During the16th meeting of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research at Tokyo, during June 7-8, 1991, a round table discussion on “Prospects towards Founding the Asian Sleep Research Society (ASRS)” was organized. Prof Shojiro Inoue should be given the main credit for this. Besides Prof Inoue, it was attended by Prof Teruo Okuma (then President of Japanese Society of Sleep Research), Prof. S.Y. Liu (China), Prof. V. Mohan Kumar (India), Prof. M.O.Y. Chan (Singapore), and Prof. C.N. Chen (Hong Kong). Subsequently during June 9-14, 1991, an International Symposium on “International Co-operation in Sleep Research” was organized at Otaru, Japan. Prof Inoue, Prof K. Honma, Prof H. Shiomi and Prof M. Yamamoto were the members of the Scientific Committee. The meeting was attended by not only several scientists from Japan, but also from Asia and even Europe. The meeting was supported by The World Federation of Sleep Research Societies. During the meeting, Prof. Shojiro Inoue emphasized the need for co-operation in sleep medicine and research in Asia. The next major activity in this direction took place during the “International Conference on Sleep-Wakefulness”, which was organised at New Delhi, during 9-11 September 1992 by Prof. V. Mohan Kumar along with Prof H.N. Mallick for Indian Society for Sleep Research (ISSR). On 11 September 1992, the arrangement (founding) committee of ASRS was given a formal shape. Prof Inoue proposed the name of Prof T. Okuma as the chairperson of meeting, and it was unanimously approved. Prof T. Okuma opened the meeting and explained the background as to how the JSSR and Asian delegates had prepared for the founding of the ASRS since 1991. He referred to the two surveys conducted by the JSSR International Affairs Committee using questionnaires. He informed the meeting that all the responders favored the formation of ASRS. As the attendees agreed to the formation of ASRS, the proposal of Prof Okuma that the Founding Congress of ASRS be held in June/July 1994 in Tokyo, Japan at the time of the 19th meeting of the JSSR was approved by the meeting . The initial officers of ASRS were elected as following;-
President: Prof. T. Okuma; Vice-Presidents: Prof. S.Y. Liu and Prof V. Mohan Kumar; Secretary: Prof M. Murasaki; Treasurer: Pro Y.H. Rhee; Chair, Scientific Committee: Prof S. Inoue; Chairs Founding Congress: Prof M. Okawa, Prof. T. Okuma and Prof K. Takahashi

The 1st Congress of ASRS (the Founding Congress of ASRS) was held at Tokyo, Japan, during 15-16 June, 1994, and it was organised by Prof. Okuma, who was the 1st President of ASRS. The ASRS Executive Committee met on the day prior to the Congress, ie 14th June, 1994. The first business matter of the meeting was the discussion of ASRS Bylaws. The draft Bylaws, prepared by Prof S. Inoue, in consultation with the other members, were presented, discussed and approved (https://asrsonline.org/asrs-bye-laws/). The Governing Council also received letters of interest in ASRS from the Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine and the Korean Association of Sleep Medicine and Applied Psychophysiology. The next Congresses were held at a period of every three years. The periodicity was slightly altered during the pandemics, and to suit local factors. In addition to these Congresses, the ASRS conducted the Interim Congress of World Federation of Sleep Research Societies, at New Delhi during 22-26th September 2005, under the leadership of Prof H.N.Mallick and Prof V. Mohan Kumar. Prof Masako Okawa, Prof Kenichi Honma and others organized an ASRS summit at Okinawa from 30th October to 1st November, 2009 after the 6th ASRS Congress. The 7th conference of ASRS was held along with Worldsleep 2011 at Kyoto, Japan during Oct 15-20, 2011 by Prof M. Okawa.

As per the Bylaws of ASRS, the term of the initial officers of the Executive Committee which began on the 11th of September 1992, ended on the last day of the Founding Congress of the ASRS. The ASRS Executive Committee elected Prof S. Inoue as the next President of ASRS for the period 1994-97. His message to the members of ASRS as the newly elected President, listing the major tasks before the society, was announced in the ASRS News Letter which was published by Prof J.J.M. Askenasy, Chair, Scientific Committee. On the other hand, as Chair, Scientific Committee, Prof Askenasy, listed the scientific priorities of ASRS for next few years. During the 2nd Congress, Prof S. Inoue was re-elected as President of ASRS for 1997-2000. The Report on the 2nd Congress is given by Prof Askenasy. A satellite symposium of the second congress of ASRS was organized at New Delhi by Prof H.N. Mallick during 5-7 September 1998. On 5th December, 2000, during the 3rd Congress held in Bangkok, Thailand, the ASRS Governing Council met and heard the activities of its various officers, and listed its priorities for the next three years. ASRS Council elected Prof T. Ohta as the next President of ASRS for the period 2000-2004. During the Fourth ASRS Congress during February 28-March 2, 2004 in Zhuhai, China, Prof V. Mohan Kumar was elected as President and Prof H.N. Mallick as Secretary for the period 2004-2006. In the Governing Council of ASRS which was held on 23rd September 2005, the President and Secretary reported about the activities of the ASRS during the period till that day. The meeting also discussed about the preparations for the next Congress of ASRS by Prof Do-Un Jeong, which was to be held in Seoul, Korea. The members gave various suggestions about the different activities which could be undertaken by ASRS. In the next Governing Council meeting of ASRS which was held on 22nd September 2006 in Seoul, Korea, the President, Secretary and Scientific Committee Chair reported about the activities of the ASRS (EC minutes-26 September 2006). Prof Do-Un Jeong gave details about the Congress of ASRS which was held in Seoul, Korea. The next Governing Council of ASRS for the period 2006-2009 was constituted. Prof Masako Okawa was elected as President through a postal ballot. The Governing Council of ASRS was held in Osaka, Japan on 26th Oct, 2009 during the 6th Congress of ASRS. Apart from the reports by the various office bearers, it was decided to extend the term of the existing office bearers for another term, ie 2009-2012, as the next meeting of World Sleep was scheduled to take place in Japan under the leadership Prof Okawa. The ASRS summit of research and medicine in Asia and Oceania was attended by representatives from the sleep societies of this region. During the 2009 meeting Dr. Honma invited proposals and suggestions on special lecturers, titles of symposia and speakers from member societies and worldwide associated societies. World Sleep 2011 was organized by the officers of 6th ASRS Congress. The process of the organization of the World Sleep 2011 started right after the 6th ASRS Congress.

The next meeting of the ASRS executive took place at Taipei on 30th November, 2012. The election of a new President of ASRS and office bearers was postponed till the next meeting. Prof Chen, the Chair of the 7th ASRS Congress, explained the programs of Congress and a state of participation, welcoming all and expressing his gratitude for the great success of the 7th ASRS Congress. Prof Kamalesh Gulia made a presentation on the upcoming 8th ASRS Congress in 2014 and Dr. Mallick invited the member societies to join the meeting.

In this meeting, JSSR submitted a proposal for revision of ASRS Bye-laws concerning the Executive Committee and Council Members. The main points of the proposal was to lengthen the term of ASRS officers to 4 years, increase the number of Vice-Presidents and abolishment of the positions of Past-President, Chair of Scientific Committee and Treasurer. Dr. Hong (KSSM) orally suggested a reduced term of ASRS officers and other substantial changes. The two proposals were circulated two weeks after the written proposal was received from Dr. Hong. JSSR proposal was supported by the majority of members.

The ASRS Council Meeting was held on September 22, 2014 at Kovalam, Trivandrum, India during the 8th ASRS Congress. The President Prof HN Mallick informed the council that the Chinese Society for Sleep Research, Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine and Korean Society for Sleep Research did not agree to the amendment of Bye Laws proposed by JSSR during Council Meeting held in Taiwan in 2012. Prof Yuichi Inoue informed the meeting that he is having regular meetings with above society leaders. WSF President Dr Clete Kushida suggested inviting comments on the amended Bye Laws from all member societies including the above-mentioned societies. Suggestions were made to induct more members like Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran and Singapore. Dr Kushida informed the meeting that the burden of affiliation fee (now paid by JSSR) will be eased out in 2017 after the merger of WSF and WASM. Prof Murat briefed the meeting about the preparations of ASRS 2016. For reasons beyond control, this meeting to be held in Turkey was postponed to the year 2023.

The 9th Congress of ASRS was held at Sapporo, Japan on 12–13 July 2018. The Congress was well- attended. Apart from various symposia and free communications of high quality, some region-specific topics that were discussed included sleep disordered breathings in Asian countries, social jetlag and entrainment Educational Lectures, The profession for and education of sleep technologists, and Yoga Nidra.

During the 10th Congress held at Istanbul, Turkey during 30 March -1 April, 2023, the Governing Council of ASRS made a few crucial declarations. The aim of ASRS is research- oriented, but sleep medicine is not excluded. Membership of ASRS is society based, but individual member can be accepted (with payment of 1 USD annual fee). Apart from electing the new office bearers, it was decided to hold the next ASRS Congress at New Delhi, India, jointly with Asian Forum on Chronobiology.

Sleep societies in Asia and ASRS did play a role in the public recognition of the importance of sleep in health. In Asian countries, the number of sleep researchers is increasing rapidly after the ASRS was founded in 1994. Though the thrust of sleep research in Asia is similar to those in other countries of the world, some collaborative studies which are more specific to Asia are conducted, such as epidemiological longitudinal study of sleep disorders in developing countries, characteristics of sleep and dreaming in oriental culture and philosophy. The ASRS had played a role in the dissemination of information, promotion of training and education, and enlightenment of the public and the government.

Though modern sleep research and medicine grew up primarily in the western world, Asia which could be considered as the birthplace of several civilizations, religions and cultures has several ancient texts that carry detailed descriptions about sleep. Emperor’s Internal Medicine (221 BC) from China, which is a dialogue between the Emperor and his physician, has references to physiology of sleep and sleep disorders. Yin-Yang, which forms part of the insignia of some sleep societies, is actually of Chinese origin. Charaka Samhita (1000 BC) from India has ample reference to sleep and sleep disorders. The discovery of REM sleep and its association with the dream state, in 1953, by Aserinsky and Kleitman is considered as the beginning of the classification and emergence of modern sleep medicine in the world. But ancient Indian scriptures of 4-5th century BCE (Upanishads) mentions about ‘four states of consciousness’ namely Jagrat (waking state), Svapna (dream state), Sushupti (dreamless sleep) and Turiya (highest spiritual state). Yoga Nidra which had been practiced by the Yogis in ancient India is getting acceptance as a non-medicinal approach to sleep disorders. After the dark ages, during the Rennaisance period, some influence from east (or Asia) contributed to the western scientific thinking. In this context, one name which should be mentioned is that of Avicenna, an Iranian philosopher and physician of the tenth and eleventh centuries. It is believed that his writings on sleep and waking did influence sleep research in the west. The Old Testament also has several passages on sleep.